For over 25 years, Mr. Moss has given seminars, spoken on talk radio, and written articles on the subject. But most predominantly, he’s visited hundreds of homes, helping families end this problem for their children - naturally.
His unmitigated and unparalleled success rate of over 98% has been accomplished without the use of drugs, anti diuretic hormones, or even the restriction of liquids. Mr. Moss has attended several universities including University of Miami, University of Arizona, and Michigan State University where he earned his degree in economics. He later earned his degree in theology.
Kerry Moss is a notable teacher, counselor, and esteemed specialist in the correction of childhood and adolescent bedwetting.
His hope, his aim, and his greatest pleasure derived from every family he serves, is to hear the words… “This is an answered prayer.”
His knowledge and success in the field of the correction of childhood and adolescent bedwetting has been derived over the course of decades helping families around the country who have bedwetting children between the ages of 4 and 17. He’s logged thousands of hours of fieldwork in study and development of what is today considered the finest doctor recommended program to end bedwetting now.
Although these children cannot help it, Mr. Moss has proven that they can indeed be helped - totally, completely, and naturally. Whether your child is wetting the bed 3 to 5 times a month, 3 to 5 times a week, or nightly - help is available.
At age 67, Mr. Moss has an enlarged heart to see the children of this generation manifest wholeness in their entire body, soul, and spirit. He believes that children who learn to overcome this emotionally debilitating problem, not only gain confidence and self esteem from their victory, but also unveil a potential formerly buried within due to their erroneous belief of failure. Currently married for nearly 40 years, he is a father of two, grandfather of five and helper of hundreds of children who have been plagued with this problem of deep sleep nocturnal enuresis (bedwetting).